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Fitness Trends You'll See in 2019

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This is the time of year when most of us, after frantically holiday shopping, start to focus on ourselves. How will we get healthy in the New Year? 

Aside from eating healthfully, working out is usually part of the equation. Whether you're looking to change up your workout routine or start one, there are a few fitness trends that will be popular in 2019.

Fitness Trends for 2019

According to the 2019 American College of Sports Medicine report that ranks fitness trends, wearable technology will be most popular. This debuted on the list in 2016 and was featured in the same spot in 2017, yet fell to third place last year. What makes it such a chart-topper in the New Year? The ACSM says it could be the recent updates, which have "fixed" issues with wearable tech in the past. The latest smart watches and fitness trackers seem to have us covered with more metrics and accuracy promised. 

Group training—not necessarily large group training—came in second, according to the ACSM. This could be related to the rise of boutique fitness classes, which don't necessarily feature large assemblies of people but thrive on smaller groups.

The term HIIT isn't going anywhere in 2019. That's high-intensity interval training, and it was slotted in third place. One new variation of it will be traditional classes with HIIT fusion, such as HIIT Pilates or HIIT yoga. Finding time to exercise can be tough, so many people like the fact that HIIT workouts are short and effective—and that science claims it could be better for weight loss as well as remedying an array of health ailments.

Other trends in ACSM's top spots were exercise programs geared for older adults and workouts that incorporate body weight. You may also see more smart training platforms such as online and mobile apps, or equipment-linked workout regimens such as Peloton, other experts say.

Regardless of where or how you exercise, be sure to try to fit it in. And make sure to stay hydrated during your workout so you get the most out of each sweat session!

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